Yfoundations Submission National Housing & Homelessness Plan Issues Paper
To effectively address and eliminate child and youth homelessness we need a standalone plan that responds to the diversity and complexity of the children and young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, to support their transition into a future of self-reliance and wellbeing. Ending child and youth homelessness will only be a possible if a clear, targeted and developmentally appropriate National Homelessness and Housing Plan (NHHP) is initiated.
Yfoundations is calling on the Australian Government, in partnership with state and territory governments, to develop and fund a standalone National Child and Youth Homelessness and Housing Plan (standalone National C&Y Plan) that outlines the approaches and resources required to effectively prevent, intervene and respond to children and young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
We recognise that the proposed NHHP is an important strategy to set out an overarching national approach in responding to housing supply shortages and the service system response to adult homelessness. However, it is critical that unaccompanied children and young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness do not get lost in a NHHP that, in the main, focuses on adults.