Position Paper on the Reform of Temporary Accommodation in NSW
This Position Paper has been developed by Yfoundations in consultation with a working group of its members in the context of the NSW Government’s forthcoming reforms of the Temporary Accommodation Program. The Position Paper is informed by a comprehensive Background Paper that provides more detailed analysis of the key issues and potential solutions identified herein.
The primary purpose of this Paper is to identify the key principles that must be taken into account to ensure that the reform of temporary accommodation meets the needs of young people who become homeless in NSW.
As these principles include the essential requirements for better and more effective delivery of temporary accommodation for young people, they are provided to assist organisations that intend to seek funding under the Homelessness Innovation Fund for this purpose.
Yfoundations position is that these principles must guide the Government’s assessment of all proposals that include the delivery of temporary accommodation to young people aged 16 to 24 years.